
    2020-04-03 20:11:10 来源:美高梅MGM电子娱乐游戏          浏览数:0




  博士:2014. 9--2019. 1,中国农业大学,观赏园艺

  硕士:2011. 9--2014. 6,西北农林科技大学, 果树学

  学士:2007. 9--2011. 6,西北农林科技大学, 园艺学



  代表性论文:(共发表SCI论文8篇,其中第一作者3篇;以第一作者编写Plant Senescence一书中第4章节)

  1. Cheng C, Gao J, Ma N (2018). Investigation of Petal Senescence by TRV-Mediated Virus-Induced Gene Silencing in Rose. In Plant Senescence (pp. 49-63). Humana Press, New York, NY.
  2. Cheng C, Jiao C, Singer SD, Gao M, Xu X, Zhou Y, Li Z, Fei Z, Wang Y, Wang X (2015) Gibberellin-induced changes in the transcriptome of grapevine (Vitis labrusca x V. vinifera) cv. Kyoho flowers. BMC Genomics 16:128. doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1324-8                                                                                 
  3. Cheng C, Xu X, Gao M, Li J, Guo C, Song J, Wang X (2013a) Genome-wide analysis of respiratory burst oxidase homologs in grape (Vitis vinifera L.). Int J Mol Sci 14 (12):24169-24186. doi:10.3390/ijms141224169                                                     
  4. Cheng C, Xu X, Singer SD, Li J, Zhang H, Gao M, Wang L, Song J, Wang X (2013b) Effect of GA3 treatment on seed development and seed-related gene expression in grape. PLoS One 8 (11) : e80044. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0080044
  5. Xu X, Guo R, Cheng C, Zhang H, Zhang Y, Wang X: Overexpression of ALDH2B8, an aldehyde dehydrogenase gene from grapevine, sustains Arabidopsis growth upon salt stress and protects plants against oxidative stress. Plant Cell Tiss Org 2013, 114(2):187-196.           
  6. Wang L, Yin X, Cheng C, Wang H, Guo R, Xu X, Zhao J, Zheng Y, Wang X (2015) Evolutionary and expression analysis of a MADS-box gene superfamily involved in ovule development of seeded and seedless grapevines. Mol Genet Genomic 290 (3):825-846. doi:10.1007/s00438-014-0961-y                                                                          
  7. Gao M, Zhang H, Guo C, Cheng C, Guo R, Mao L, Fei Z, Wang X (2015). Evolutionary and expression analyses of basic zipper transcription factors in the highly homozygous model grape PN40024 (Vitis vinifera L.). Plant Mol Biol Rep 32(5): 1085-1102. doi:10.1007/s11105-014-0723-3                                                                      
  8. Wen C, Zhao Q, Nie J, Liu G, Shen L, Cheng C, Xi L, Ma N, Zhao L (2016) Physiological controls of chrysanthemum DgD27 gene expression in regulation of shoot branching. Plant Cell Rep 35 (5):1053-1070. doi:10.1007/s00299-016-1938-6
  9. Kou Y, Yuan C, Zhao Q, Liu G, Nie J, Ma Z, Cheng C, Teixeira da Silva JA, Zhao L (2016) Thidiazuron triggers morphogenesis in Rosa canina L. protocorm-like bodies by changing incipient cell fate. Front Plant Sci 7:557. doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.0055                  



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